JavaFX 11.0.4 released for Gluon JavaFX 11 LTS customers, adding support for Windows 32 bit systems

Last week, we released JavaFX 11.0.4 for our JavaFX 11 LTS customers.

The JavaFX 11 Long Term Support ensures developers and companies the availability of the JavaFX 11 platform for a long time, exceeding the lifetime of most applications. The updates they receive (e.g. 11.0.4) provide fixes for security issues and for selected bugs and features. It provides a stable and secure foundation, while still incorporating fixes and functionality that is originally implemented in later releases (e.g. JavaFX 12 or JavaFX 13).

The JavaFX 11.0.4 release is the fourth update for the JavaFX 11 LTS customers. This time, we took the opportunity to add another platform to our list of supported platforms: Windows 32-bit systems are now supported as well. We had a number of customers and users asking for support for Windows 32. This is far from trivial, as it requires a stable and secure development environment, and the third party components leveraged in JavaFX (e.g. WebKit) need to be built and tested as well in this environment.
Windows 32 is still frequently used in semi-embedded systems, e.g. kiosk applications. Using JavaFX 11.0.4 LTS, companies with Windows 32 systems can now upgrade to a supported version of JavaFX 11.

We plan to make public releases for Windows 32 in the future. However, as you probably understand our focus is on supporting our JavaFX 11 LTS customers first, as they are the one who paid for the development of this new supported configuration. If you want to learn more about JavaFX 11 LTS support, have a look at our support page.