Pedro Duque Vieira Joins Gluon

pedro-roundGluon continues to grow, gaining more customers and consulting projects, and with that comes the pressures associated with growth – maintaining high standards, keeping our customers and clients happy, enhancing our products, and forming partnerships with other companies in the ecosystem. Our team is wearing a lot of hats, and we started to realise that we would benefit from having more heads to wear the hats 🙂

To this end, and to help with the demand we are facing, today we are incredibly pleased to announce that Pedro Duque Vieira has joined Gluon. Pedro will be working as a client-side software engineer, focusing on our Gluon Mobile library, as well as being involved in customer engagements.

Pedro holds a Master in Computer Science. For the past nine years he has worked in several places, always in front end development. He has worked with JavaFX since its first version where he developed a control to integrate JavaFX content into a Swing app (similar to the now available JFXPanel). He is also the author of JMetro and various other open source controls, some contributed to JFxtras and ControlsFX. Finally, he is also the creator of Modellus X, a Swing/JavaFX app used world wide in the education market.

Pedro was one of the applicants the other week when we put out a call for job applicants. We were very impressed by the calibre of all applicants – a number of highly skilled Java engineers reached out to us, and we will definitely be keeping in touch with all applicants as we continue to ramp up development.

For people wanting to contact Pedro, you can reach him at You can read his blog at and follow him on twitter at @P_Duke. For all other communication, you can contact us using the usual means.

Welcome aboard Pedro!