Commercial support for JavaFX

As we’ve written about previously, JavaFX is in the process of being decoupled from Oracle’s Java SDK distribution. As a consequence of this, JavaFX will be able to have its own lifecycle and roadmap, leveraging the latest Java distribution. With Gluon, we are very committed to the success of JavaFX, and we are a very active contributor to the OpenJFX project and the GitHub mirror that is being used by developers from Oracle and the community.

In order to support companies that rely on JavaFX for their internal products or for projects and products they create for customers, Gluon has created a new
entry in the open source commercial support family.

With the JavaFX commercial enterprise support package, you get direct access to the Gluon engineering team that is contributing back to OpenJFX. Bugs reported by customers of this package get a high priority from our development team, and feature requests will be discussed with the OpenJFX community. Additionally, Gluon will proactively work with customers to provide information about roadmaps and releases.

Most importantly, with the JavaFX commercial enterprise support package, Gluon guarantees first-class support for its customers, and brings those customers closer to the OpenJFX community. This allows us to guarantee that the JavaFX modules will be maintained and compatible with the upcoming releases of the Java core platform.

We encourage enterprises that have invested heavily into JavaFX to reach out to us today to begin this discussion. We want to see JavaFX succeed, and we have a proven track record of helping our customers to succeed.