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Mobile Focused
Mobile app synchronization and data storage
- Access mobile-specific functionality in a platform-independent way
- Automatic & transparent synchronization of data, users, and state between clients and backends
- Connect to Gluon CloudLink with any front-end, and connect to backend systems and cloud services
- Automatically deal with mobile-specific issues (e.g. connectivity loss, battery usage, etc)
Gluon CloudLink brings enterprise functionality to mobile users, without the need for deep enterprise knowledge on how best to integrate mobile users into existing enterprise functionality and data stores.
Mobile devices present new opportunities for enterprises, but they also introduce the possibility for unconsidered issues. Gluon CloudLink helps enterprises to take advantage of the opportunities, and provides solutions for the issues.
Contrary to most enterprise software applications, mobile apps should be designed with absence of networking in mind. While most mobile users these days are often online, even with roaming data when traveling abroad, developers should never assume their app is always connected to the internet.
Some mobile-originated transactions require instant internet connectivity, while this is less needed for other transactions.
Whether a device is online or offline, Gluon CloudLink makes it easy to synchronize data between mobile applications and your backend, and it allows for synchronization of data between different instances of your mobile application. This synchronization can be subject to rules, e.g. in some cases the client must have the latest data from the network before it can present something to the user. In other circumstances, it is ok to use data that is locally cached. Gluon CloudLink data synchronization uses versioning to make sure that conflicting requests can be handled correctly (e.g. merged, accepted, or denied).
Mobile devices today come with a number of built-in mobile services (e.g. location, camera, push notifications, etc). Information obtained by those services can be useful for enterprise applications. With Gluon CloudLink, these services can be combined with each other and with your custom enterprise functionality. As an example, it is possible to send push notifications containing some backend-generated text to users in a specific geographical location.
In order for Gluon CloudLink to be able to talk to the mobile apps, Gluon provides SDK’s for Java, iOS, Android, and JavaScript. The Java SDK is based on Gluon Mobile and provides the easiest integration.
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