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Built from the ground-up to save you time
- Gluon CloudLink can generate client code based on your requirements and configuration
- Generated apps can be built, tested and deployed to users directly from the Gluon CloudLink dashboard
- Gluon CloudLink is standard Java: leverage existing employee development skills
- Immediate start – sign up to GCL immediately
Gluon CloudLink enables enterprise and frontend developers alike to create, configure, build, and deploy apps with minimal effort.
The world of mobile devices and applications is changing rapidly. New phones, tablets, watches, and other devices pop up frequently. The native operating systems for these devices very frequently receive major overhauls. In stark contrast, enterprise systems are built for stability and reliability. Dealing with fast-changing low-level specifications while still providing high-quality is a challenge.
Gluon CloudLink bridges the gap between the stable enterprise world and the less predictable mobile world. With Gluon CloudLink, it is very easy to create a mobile application that is installed on mobile phones, and that immediately links to your backend functionality without jeopardizing quality or security of the existing enterprise architecture.
Most of the functionality of a mobile enterprise application is determined by the functionality provided by the backend. Rather than creating significant amounts of error-prone boiler plate code, Gluon CloudLink can be used to configure the behavior of the mobile application, and to link it to the functionality of the enterprise application. With Gluon CloudLink, administrators can define the flow of the application, easily adding and modifying views.
Gluon CloudLink can generate a cross-platform Java application (using Gluon Mobile) based on the provided configuration, which can be further enhanced or modified using existing Java skills. Styling the application can be done by altering the CSS stylesheets that are included in the mobile application, and by using the drag-and-drop features provided by Scene Builder.
Leveraging the Gluon Build infrastructure, Gluon CloudLink makes it extremely easy to automatically create a native package for Android or iOS devices, and install this on your phone without the need to download and configure iOS and Android SDK’s.
Try out Gluon CloudLink, and have your first prototype of an enterprise app ready in less than 15 minutes.
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