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Gluon CloudLink SDK
Connect enterprise backends and mobile clients to Gluon CloudLink
- Programatically interact with Gluon CloudLink
- Integrate backend events into Gluon CloudLink, automatically firing events to mobile users
- Use Java APIs, or REST calls, depending on requirements
Gluon offers the Gluon CloudLink SDK to meet the needs of enterprises wanting to connect their enterprise systems to their mobile and desktop users in a safe, performant, and centralized fashion.
The Gluon CloudLink SDK enables programmatic access to, and control over, all aspects of Gluon CloudLink. This enables actions internal to an enterprise to be fed directly into Gluon CloudLink, resulting in pre-defined actions being fired to relevant users.
Gluon CloudLink SDK consists of two sub-components: the Gluon CloudLink Enterprise SDK, for easing integrations with backend systems, and the Gluon CloudLink Client SDK for connecting mobile and desktop applications to Gluon CloudLink services.
The Gluon CloudLink Enterprise SDK can be used as a complement to, or a full replacement of, Gluon Dashboard. Where the Gluon Dashboard allows administrators to configure services in a visual manner, the Gluon CloudLink SDK allows developers to manipulate their mobile content and functionality by writing Java code. Regardless of the approach, the result is the same – configuration of Gluon CloudLink deployments.
At present there are two implementations of the Gluon CloudLink Enterprise SDK: Java EE and Spring. Gluon also provides sample applications to demonstrate how to use this SDK: Java EE and Spring.
If you want to check this out, sign up for a Gluon CloudLink account (you can get a fully functional trial for free for 30 days) and follow the instructions in the tutorials. You can find Java EE and Spring specific tutorials, depending on your preference.
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