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Best-of-class end-to-end security
- Client apps store data in a secure and encrypted way
- Data sent to Gluon CloudLink is encrypted with SSL and signed using OAuth
- No enterprise-critical secrets are stored in the mobile app or on the device
- Gluon CloudLink can conform to the security protocol imposed by the backend
Gluon CloudLink takes security seriously. It has been built from the ground-up to ensure that data is transferred in the most secure way possible, and is only transferred to those authorized to receive it.
When developing mobile enterprise apps, Security is not just a nice add-on. It is a crucial key requirement, and when end-to-end security is not taken seriously, the consequences can dire.
Exposing enterprise functionality to mobile clients increases the reach of the enterprise significantly, but care must be taken that only the intended functionality is exposed to an intended audience. Private user data should never leak to other users, and data that should not be exposed to mobile users at all should never be stored on mobile apps.
Since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, it is very important to make sure all parts of the end-to-end chain are secured. Gluon CloudLink offers a numbers of advantages that make it easy for architects and developers to keep your applications secure.
All communication, both between the client app and Gluon CloudLink, as well as between Gluon CloudLink and the enterprise backend, can be secured using SSL. If the client app is developed using Gluon Mobile, this is implemented by default. Additionally, all communication between the mobile client and Gluon CloudLink is signed using application-specific OAuth credentials. In case users are allowed to use social networks or third party login systems to authenticate from within the application, it is possible to use three-legged OAuth where the user credentials are never stored on the client or on Gluon CloudLink.
In most enterprises, existing backend functionality is almost certainly already secured in one or multiple ways. The last thing an enterprise wants is mobile clients directly accessing enterprise-critical functionality by hardcoding the required credentials inside the application. An advantage of Gluon CloudLink is that all calls to enterprise functions can be called from Gluon CloudLink, instead of from the mobile devices. Therefore, only Gluon CloudLink needs to know how to authenticate. Using Gluon CloudLink Dashboard, easily configure the authentication mechanisms required by the back-end (e.g. OAuth, Basic Authentication, etc).
Another advantage of using Gluon Mobile on the client is the availability of the Java security API’s. Java has been designed with security as one of its cornerstones. Creating applications in Java allows developers to take advantage of this built-in security.
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