Device & Platform Agnostic
Native Hardware Services.
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Hardware Access
Make use of hardware features on mobile devices in a platform-agnostic way. Gluon Attach makes available all the storage systems, accelerometers, screen details, GPS devices, and more in a device-independent fashion
Open Source & Community
Gluon Attach is yet another Gluon open source project available in our GitHub repo. It is freely licensed under the GPL license, and external contributions are very welcome.
Commercially Supported
As with all Gluon open source projects, Gluon offers commercial support in a variety of ways.
Gluon can provide custom consultancy and training, commercial licenses, and finally open source commercial support.
Gluon Mobile
Gluon Attach ships as part of Gluon Mobile, providing you with a single solution for building cross-device applications with a single code base, and not one line of platform specific code. Of course, you can also use Gluon Attach in your own projects without Gluon Mobile – just grab the source code from our repo, or add a dependency to your build script.
Getting Started
Gluon Attach is free and open source (it’s GPL licensed) – you can grab the latest code from our GitHub repo. We also provide releases to our open source commercial support customers on a regular cadence (daily or monthly), and we provide free samples to kickstart your development.
Supported Services
Gluon Attach ships with a number of pre-built services, as well as a simple-to-use API for adding additional services. The table below is the list of services available in the latest release of Gluon Attach:
Service Name | Description | Docs |
Accelerometer | Interface for querying the status of the accelerometer of the underlying device. Gives readings on x, y, and z axis. | JavaDoc |
Audio beta | Common API to access audio features | JavaDoc |
Audio Recording beta | Adds the possibility to record audio streams in wav format. | JavaDoc |
Augmented Reality | Provides an API to access Augmented Reality APIs. | JavaDoc |
Barcode Scan | Provides the ability to scan a barcode (or similar, such as a QR code), and retrieve the value represented by that barcode as a string. | JavaDoc |
Battery | Interface for querying the status of the battery on the underlying device, including the current battery level, as well as whether the device is plugged in or not. | JavaDoc |
Bluetooth Low Energy | Interface to Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) functionality (e.g. beacons). | JavaDoc |
Browser | Attempts to launch the platform default web browser with the given URL. | JavaDoc |
Cache | Provides an API to weakly cache objects in memory for future use. There is no guarantee that items in the cache will be retained for any minimum period of time – they will be GC’d as necessary. | JavaDoc |
Compass | Interface for querying the status of the compass of the underlying device. The compass reading is represented as a value between 0 and 359.99, where 0 is north. | JavaDoc |
Connectivity | Determines whether there is network connectivity available on the current device, through any means (i.e. WiFi or cell phone data networks). | JavaDoc |
Device | Interface for querying the device hardware and software. | JavaDoc |
Dialer | Attempts to use the platform default dialer to make a phone call to the given phone number. | JavaDoc |
Display | Display service reports details of the devices display such as resolution, and whether this is a mobile, tablet, or desktop display. | JavaDoc |
In-App Billing beta | Manage in-app products and handle product purchases for your mobile application. | JavaDoc |
Keyboard beta | Service for showing the virtual keyboard. | JavaDoc |
Lifecycle | The life cycle service allows for developers to listen to events related to when their software is paused and resumed , as well as initiate proper shutdowns of their software, regardless of platform. | JavaDoc |
Local Notifications | Service to schedule a local notification. | JavaDoc |
Magnetometer | Interface for querying the status of the magnetometer of the underlying device. | JavaDoc |
Pictures | Interface for querying the pictures on a device. | JavaDoc |
Position | Interface for querying the GPS position of the device. | JavaDoc |
Push Notifications | Service to schedule a push notification. | JavaDoc |
Orientation | A service to determine the orientation of the device on platforms where this information is available (i.e. iOS and Android). | JavaDoc |
Runtime Argument | The Runtime Arguments service enables external services (e.g. native notifications, custom url handlers, etc) to bring arguments into an application, regardless of whether it is running or not. | JavaDoc |
Settings | The Setting service provides a simple way for storing, removing and retrieving key-value pairs of strings. | JavaDoc |
Share | Provides a way to share content (text and/or files) from the application by using other suitable applications that are installed on the device. | JavaDoc |
Status Bar | Service allowing for access to the status bar on platforms where such a feature exists (i.e. iOS and Android). | JavaDoc |
Storage | Service to provide access to the storage facilities offered by the native platform. | JavaDoc |
Vibration | Interface for accessing the vibration functionality present on most mobile devices. This allows for alerting the user to events when sound is inappropriate or unavailable. | JavaDoc |
Video | Adds support for video and audio playback from files that are loaded from the bundled application assets or from a URL. | JavaDoc |