Gluon Connect:
Connect to cloud services
(without the pain).
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Cloud Friendly
Gluon Connect is built to be cloud-agnostic, meaning that it can connect to any web service you want, but it also serves as the foundation for communicating with Gluon CloudLink. We encourage all users of Gluon Connect to use Gluon CloudLink, but the choice is yours.
Open Source & Community
Gluon Connect is yet another Gluon open source project available in our GitHub repo. It is freely licensed under the permissive BSD license, and external contributions are very welcome.
Commercially Supported
As with all Gluon open source projects, Gluon offers commercial support in a variety of ways.
Gluon can provide custom consultancy and training, commercial licenses, and finally open source commercial support.
Gluon CloudLink
Gluon Connect is ideal for connecting to Gluon CloudLink – it is built from the ground up to work with it!
Getting Started
Gluon Connect is free and open source – you can grab the latest code from our GitHib repo. We also provide releases to our open source commercial support customers on a regular cadence (daily or monthly), and we provide free samples to kickstart your development.