Earlier this week, Gluon proudly released JavaFXPorts 8.60.9, which provides the foundation for cross-platform mobile and embedded UI development in Java, as part of the Gluon Mobile offering.
The JavaFXPorts project is a fork of the official OpenJFX repository, which contains the source code (both Java and native code) for JavaFX. It is a community effort, organised and facilitated by Gluon. We strive to keep the changes between JavaFXPorts and OpenJFX as minimal as possible, and most of the relevant changes that are applied to JavaFXPorts are suggested back as upstream enhancements to OpenJFX.
The new release of JavaFXPorts contains a number of bug fixes and performance improvements for the different mobile platforms. Also, we made some modifications on how the JavaFXPorts code interacts with the Android lifecycle API’s. This makes it possible to use JavaFX on Android wearables now.
JavaFXPorts continues to be crucial in the Gluon Mobile offering. The fact that you can create a user interface in Java, and run that on desktop, Android and iOS devices, and embedded ARM systems, is due to the availability of JavaFX on desktop, mobile and embedded. Gluon Mobile builds on top of JavaFXPorts, and hence benefits from JavaFXPorts becoming better.
If you are using Gluon Mobile via your NetBeans, IntelliJ or Eclipse IDE and you have the Gluon Plugin for your IDE installed, new projects will automatically use the latest version of JavaFXPorts. This is the recommended way for developing mobile Java Client applications. If you want to download the JavaFXPorts SDK manually, you can get the SDK’s from our download page.
Thanks to feedback from our customers, we were able to enhance JavaFXPorts. If you are a Gluon Mobile customer, you already contribute to the development of JavaFXPorts. Depending on the tier, Gluon Mobile customers have also access to hot fixes and don’t have to wait for the public builds of JavaFXPorts, which we release every 6 months.
If you use JavaFXPorts without using Gluon software on top of it, you can contribute to JavaFXPorts by either fixing bugs, improving things, or by subscribing to Open Source support.