Gluon CloudLink Service Broker on Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Engineers at Gluon have simplicity at the forefront of their minds. Their primary goal is to simplify the lives of existing Java enterprise developers, aiding them in the creation and operation of mobile apps. This is the primary motivation for every one of our engineers.

As we explained previously, Gluon provides the Gluon CloudLink SDK. One subcomponent of this is the Gluon CloudLink Enterprise SDK, and in here Gluon provides support for two of the major Java-based server-side frameworks: Java EE and the Spring Framework.

Apart from integrating with existing enterprise frameworks, Gluon makes it a top priority to integrate with existing enterprise infrastructure. Therefore, Gluon is happy to announce the Gluon CloudLink Service Broker for Pivotal Cloud Foundry® – now available in beta.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is one of the world’s most powerful cloud-native platforms, allowing developers to focus on building software that impacts their business, rather than spending time on non-value added code provisioning or maintaining infrastructure. Pivotal Cloud Foundry is the leading platform for developing and deploying Spring and Spring Boot applications, which is used by Internet giants such as Netflix, LinkedIn, Alibaba, etc. Most important, Pivotal Cloud Foundry is the cheapest, fastest, and safest platform for Spring developers to deploy, manage, and secure their applications.

One of the great things about Pivotal Cloud Foundry is the Pivotal Network, which hosts the Pivotal Cloud Foundry partner ecosystem, where Pivotal partners provide their specific functionality in a uniform way to the world’s largest enterprise customers. That said, we are very excited that Gluon CloudLink is now available as a service broker for Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Since mobile apps are growing in importance (compared to traditional web apps), this means enterprise customers can work with Pivotal and Gluon to better target their traditional user base, as well as new mobile users, which greatly extends their overall user base.

Combined with the Gluon CloudLink Enterprise SDK for the Spring Framework, Gluon CloudLink Service Broker on Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a huge cost saver for enterprises that are working on accelerating their mobile strategy. Aside from operational savings, customers can re-use their existing Java development teams for mobile apps, without increasing the size of their engineering workforce. Moreover, thanks to the functionality of Gluon CloudLink and the infrastructural functionality provided by Pivotal Cloud Foundry, the lifecycle of mobile enterprise apps becomes much simpler to manage, which leads to a drastic reduction in operational costs.

For more information, Pivotal has an information page detailing the Gluon CloudLink Service Broker for Pivotal Cloud Foundry.